5 Steps To Creating A Viral Quiz For Your Brand

5 Steps To Creating A Viral Quiz For Your Brand

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From “Which Career Should You Actually Have?” to “Which Disney Movie Should You Watch Tonight?” quizzes, it’s a format that makes up some of the most shared content on social media. If you think a quiz or poll-type piece of content won’t resonate with your brand, you shouldn’t feel that way.

When you create a quiz, keep it short and sweet. “Most BuzzFeed quizzes are less than 10 questions,” according to Interact, “and take about 2.5 minutes to complete.” From a tactical approach, try a quiz builder such as Qzzr to create questions, add images, conditional formatting, and other features. Owen Fuller, Qzzr’s Chief Qwizzard, has five steps for you to create the next viral quiz, or just one your community will absolutely love.

1. Choose an attention-grabbing topic and title

The title has to be compelling, shareable, and relevant. Not necessarily relevant to your business, but rather, relevant to what your customers and fans like to talk about. Did you know that BuzzFeed’s “Which Disney Princess Are You?” quiz is one of the most shared quizzes of all time (more than 2.8 million views).

Chances are that amount of shares sparks your interest, and it’s the straight-forward, fun title that helped make the quiz as popular as it is. If your quiz is clearly a joke, make a sarcastic title. If it’s an honest one, make it short, sweet, and clear to your audience.

2. Carefully plan the design of your quiz

Make the quiz look and feel incredibly important (use words like “ultimate” or “definitive”), but in reality, it’s quite easy to take. This makes people more likely to share it with friends and colleagues too. Don’t forget to add a clear call to action once a user completes the quiz, such as asking for their email address, or linking back to an article or report on your website.

You’ll also want to use images throughout the quiz. Just like photos and images perform better on social media, the same is true with quizzes. It keeps the user engaged and entertained as they answer each question, and also saves them time. Why make them read 1,000 words when an image says the same amount?

3. Create the quiz and embed it on your website

Once you create your quiz, you’ll want to publish and embed it on your website. Quizzes are great pieces of content because they keep visitors on your site for longer amounts of time depending on the length of the quiz. Qzzr’s tool for making quizzes allows you to embed it on any website or article, and you can also receive a few statistics for free, such as how many people completed the quiz. Embedding the quiz on your website or publication also allows you to link directly to it via social.

4. Promote your quiz

According to Fuller, 84% of all social shares come from Facebook, so there’s a good chance your first step should be there. You may also want to promote your quiz through email marketing, and follow that up with Twitter. If the quiz is performing well, you should consider putting a bit of paid media behind it (if you have the budget, but just a small amount on Facebook and Twitter can go a long way). Despite how easy it is to create quizzes, not many brands and publishers create them. This might be a refreshing change of pace for your customers, and that little amount of paid media could easily pay off, either for returning customers, or targeting new ones.

5. Learn, adapt, and improve

Don’t just run a quiz that promotes your product and nothing else. Always strive to be remarkable with your content, make your fans happy, or perhaps offer them something special at the very end. Thanking the respondents that went to the very end of your quiz with an exclusive offer is a rewarding surprise they might never have expected, especially if the quiz is a bit longer than average.

You should also use the data you have available to better understand the type of content your audience enjoys. Facebook shares, post data, quiz completions, and email open rates and CTRs are all useful metrics. Over time, you’ll gain a better understanding of the types of quizzes your fans want to see more of: voice, length, images, topics, polls vs. quizzes, and the channels you use to promote will all impact your reach and engagement. Get ready, and start quizzing!

Courtesy: http://socialmediaweek.org/blog/2015/12/steps-to-creating-a-viral-quiz/

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