F YMonth: September 19, 2016

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Boosting your seo by helping googlebot

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Boost Your Seo

What’s the secret to Google loving your website and indexing it? The secret is to steer crawlers to the most important and useful pages of your site and ignore those pages with little value to searchers. You may think that you want Google or Bing to index every URL of your website but you could […]

6 key areas to focus your seo campaign

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SEO Campaign

An effective SEO campaign needs a clear strategy that addresses the main issues that exist with a website. This should be straightforward but is often overlooked or not properly analysed before a campaign is begun. One area that should be prioritised – but is often overlooked – involves analysing what the search competition is doing […]

Present Your Ideas With Powerful And Interactive Infographics Designs

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Interactive Infographic Design Services

When it comes to present the information in a unique and eye-catching manner, infographics emerges first at the fingertips. The term Infographics stands for the amalgamation of Information and graphic. To put in simple words, it is the way of presenting the tricky information, but in a simple way taking help of graphics. Since it […]

How will changes to Google’s Keyword Planner affect your Keyword Research in 2017?

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How Will Changes to Google’s Keyword Planner Affect Your Keyword

Google’s All New ‘Freemium’ Keyword Planner Keyword Research in 2017 Firstly, we’ve said 2017 and that’s intentional because quite often when these things happen, the effects can take a few weeks or months to be fully felt. People running campaigns now will likely have done their research phase already, it will be campaigns and onsite […]

12 ideas for more interactive presentation

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Interactive Presentation Design Services

If you think about it, providing an engaging presentation is a win-win situation. Not only will your audience less likely doze off, tinker with their phones or daydream but as a presenter, you can also be relieved of anxiety facing a crowd that’s more enthusiastic and dynamic. But this engagement has to start with you. […]