F YMonth: August 30, 2016

Say No Thank You to the PowerPoint Thank You Slide 

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Professional Powerpoint Presentation Services

Close your eyes and imagine this: you’re standing in front of a group of people, giving a presentation. You’re rocking it. As your presentation draws to a close, your last slide appears on the screen. What does that last slide say? Does it say “Thank you” or “Any questions?” For many presenters, these types of […]

The Importance of !important: Forcing Immutability in CSS

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Css Web Site Development
As with most things, there are exceptional circumstances in which following the rules would actually be a pretty bad idea, and it’s usually context and discretion that inform our decision to break them. For example, the speed limit is 70mph (unfortunately we do still use miles). You are not allowed to drive faster than 70mph. [...]