5 Major Ways To Protect Your Online Reputation Using SEO And Social Media

5 Major Ways To Protect Your Online Reputation Using SEO And Social Media

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Nispaara Blog

In this growing internet world having a great reputation online is a must! Have you ever tried searching yourself on Google? Well, though it may sound a little unobvious, it is the best way to know how well you look on search engines. Have you ever given a thought on what is mostly displayed when a client starts looking for you on the internet? In spite of having a well designed site, high ranking on search engines, having great brand visibility, a single bad remark is more than enough to ruin your reputation. A bad remark, review or complaint on the product or service directly takes the first and fine spot on the search engine results. You need to pay a little extra attention to your online reputation and monitor what is said and talked about you. It is understood you have a lot to take care, but neglecting the reputation of your company is not a good solution!

Need of online reputation? Why?

You must have surely heard of online reputation management services, it is time you do not neglect them. Many companies often think it is the way to cover up for something. However, it does the work of more than covering. It actually helps you to know what your clients and competitors are talking about you.

1. Create an account on every social media sites –
Not many companies understand the importance of having a strong social media presence. However, having an account on major social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more. It is the best way to protect your brand and its reputation.

2. Keep the profile updated – Though it may sound difficult to keep it updated on a regular basis, however, it is one of the best ways to garner client’s attention. You tend to portray a good picture of being active to the clients. For this you can make use of the IFTTT service. This app helps in connecting with varied services online and makes your presence automated.

3. Create a blog – Blogging is another effective way to send out the message to the potential customers. Over the years it has become one of the best reputation tools. With this you can easily create original and fresh content all the time.

4. Reply to the comments – Knowing what people are talking about you on varied channels is not enough, it is important that you reply to their comments. When you have a company you are bound to get complaints, after all no one is perfect! But neglecting the reviews and complaints will lead to heaps of troubles. You will find many customers prefer using twitter and Facebook to solve issues. If you do not prefer monitoring on what your customers are talking, then you can get ready for some more of it. This will only affect the sales!

5. It is all about you – Your reputation is what speaks on how well you treat your customers! Though there are many brand companies they are sure to be dealing with their own problems. But they make use of great way to connect with them which makes them recognized. People actually want to work and be a part of their large client base.

Always remember that it takes years to build reputation, but not even a second to bring it to shambles. Put the above mentioned ways into action and witness a great change in the reputation of your business! All the best!

Courtesy: http://www.business2community.com/online-marketing/5-major-ways-protect-online-reputation-using-seo-social-media-01202501

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